Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Borne from the mystikal mysts of time, the Council of Steel rides metal horses from internet venue to internet venue! Initially a plan for a secretive society of poser-slaying metalheads with a cool castle, we started a myspace like two years ago and then forgot about it. I moved to Chicago, where the metal scene is either weirdo-beardos riding boring drone grooves, death metal meatheads, or crossover thrash revivalists like Diamond Plate, as you can see here:

With any luck these kids will jump back off the bandwagon before it becomes socially acceptable for them to be horrible alcoholics, since most of the kids I know in the partying crossover scene are irritating, overenthused drunks. I never thought I'd say it, but I long for the days when everybody with a bloated liver was jaded, fat, and bald instead of pressuring me to take off my shirt, do body shots, and circle pit. Maybe I'm getting older, or perhaps just listening to too much of this:

Expect a post on the role of fun in metal soon!